Join a Committee

You may be thinking, "How can I contribute?"

Join a Committee and Get Involved!

Once you become a WIIP Member, you can always take your involvement in WIIP to the next level! Consider joining one of our committees: the Membership Committee, Communication Committee, or Industry Relations Committee. Each committee plays a crucial role in the success and growth of our organization, and there is a perfect fit for everyone to contribute and make a difference. Your ideas and contributions are valuable, and we are excited to work together to make WIIP even stronger. We invite you to consider joining one of our committees below and becoming more involved in WIIP's growing community. Fill out the form below to get started!

Education Committee

Our Education Committee is dedicated to developing educational resources, organizing workshops and conferences, and promoting continuous learning. You will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of cutting-edge educational programs and initiatives that benefit our entire community.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee focuses on recruiting new members, retaining current members, and creating networking opportunities within our community. If you have a passion for building relationships and connecting with others in the industry, this committee is the ideal place for you.

Industry Relations Committee

 The Industry Relations Committee works on establishing partnerships and collaborations with other organizations and industry stakeholders. If you are interested in building bridges and fostering relationships with industry leaders, this committee is a great way to get involved and make a positive impact on our organization.


Join a Committee!

*I hereby make application to serve on the Society for Women in Interventional Pulmonology (WIIP) in accordance with and subject to the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees: